Also, you might feel you are caught between two people, two offers, or two projects. Try not to choose but instead, think integration…
•Pisces – This year you will find expansion around work, health, pets and diet. Hard work will be rewarded. You might be offered a bigger office or work space, recognition for your work and find a better way to serve others. This is a great year to embark on a new diet and heal yourself physically. This year employees or people that work under you will be more helpful. It is a good year to hire an assistant to help you serve better. A great time for a detox and embarking on a project involving service and aiding people.
How will Jupiter in Leo affect me personally?
First, read above how Jupiter in Leo will affect your sign or your spiritual tribe, as I like to call the Zodiac signs. Then, to make it more personal, check out this short tutorial I made that will help you identify what house you have Leo:
•The 1st House rules the body, physical appearance, leadership abilities, mannerisms, attitudes, and resistance to disease. Some astrologers describe it as your mask or how people see you. Persona in Greek means “mask,” signifying your personality, or ego, if you want. It is your flagship, your rising sign/ascendant.
•The 2nd House governs talents, money, finance, values, and self-worth. It reveals how you deal with money, assets, personal belongings, and budgets. Your self-worth will determine how much you believe in your talents and how well you can translate these talents into money.
•The 3rd House is the house of the mind, siblings, neighbors, and relatives (excluding your parents). It also rules lower education, communication, reading preferences, and the practical logical mind. This house also influences transportation, vehicles, cars, and airplanes, and one day soon, I hope, spaceships.
•The 4th House represents the home and family, the place where you feel secure. It describes the home and family of your childhood as well as the family you build for yourself as an adult. It also relays information about your relationship with your mother, maternal figures, and old age.
•The 5th House rules creativity, love, romance, fun, sports, speculations, entertainment, theater, and children. It’s the house of happiness. This house also contains your inner child. You can connect (and help to heal) that inner child by working with the energies of the sign that governs your fifth house.
•The 6th House is the house of physical health, disease, work, service, purification, hygiene, diets, and order. It also rules domestic animals and pets. This house reveals how you deal with employees and how well you delegate authority.
•The 7th House governs beauty, marriage, partnerships, contracts, law, and justice. It also rules our known enemies as well as lawsuits. This house contains the key to your harmony and peace.
•The 8th House is the house of death, sexuality, joint financial affairs, intimacy, the occult, other people’s money, and inheritance. It rules taxes, insurance, your partner’s earnings, alimony, as well as your business partner’s finances. This house contains your secret chambers, the dungeons in which you hide the things you are afraid of.
•The 9th House rules morality, traveling, prophecy, higher education, publishing, universities, churches, temples, philosophy, and religion. It is also the house of in-laws. This house describes how you experience truth and how you perceive the meaning of life.
•The 10th House governs achievements, professional standing, success, status in the community, and career. It is the house of authority and society. It describes the mountain you need to climb in this lifetime, providing clues to your ambition and your capacity to bring the potential into the actual. In the Ancient Greek tradition it’s is called Kleos—our fame, glory, what we will be remembered for.
•The 11th House is the house of the future, freelance income, friendships, groups, cooperation, technology, hope, and philanthropy. This house reveals how well you function within group settings as well as the nature of your relationship to humanity.
•The 12th House rules karma, compassion, confinement, hospitals, mysticism, healing, imagination, faith, and past lifetimes. It is also associated with pain, personal limitations, and your hidden enemies. It shows what talents you possess from past lifetimes that are hard to access.
Wishing you all a great romantic summer (or winter if you are below the equator) and much promised love as Jupiter the Great, enters Leo, the sign of happiness and love…