Why are the next 12 months considered the year of victory?
In the Tarot cards, the six of wands (corresponding to the six of clubs in the playing card) is associated with Jupiter in Leo and is called “Victory.” This year you will experience some victory in the house where you have Leo in your chart (see below how to find out where you have Leo in your chart).
A Golden Cycle
Like anything in Astrology, everything is a cycle, therefore, by going back 12, 24, 36 years, when Jupiter was also in Leo, you can see how Jupiter in Leo affects your life journey. The dates when we had Jupiter in Leo are Aug 2002 - Sep 2003; Aug 1990 - Sep 1991; Apr 1979 - Sep 1979. However, remember, those years might have also had other cycles creating disturbances (Saturn Return, etc), so don’t judge those years as good or bad, rather try to identify how and where you experienced an expansion and expect the same this year.
The Astrology of becoming
One way to tap into this fortunate energy is what I call in my book Cosmic Navigator, the astrology of becoming. By acting like a sign, that is, dressing yourself in that archetype and taking on its attributions and characteristics, you can receive the positive energies bestowed on that sign. Therefore, if Jupiter is moving into Leo, you too can receive the gifts of the benevolent planet by becoming Leo for the next year. All you have to do is know what you want (Leo’s key word is I WILL), invest time and energy in a hobby, pick up a sport, do things that make you have fun, go out, be creative, don’t be afraid to take risks, be generous, don’t shy away from being in the center of attention, perform, entertain, be childlike (not childish), open your heart and do some cardio (heart is the organ ruled by Leo). However, if you are not a Leo and you are channeling the golden light of the feline sign, take heed not to also rout their dark side which is usually revolving around egocentric attitudes and selfishness.
How will Jupiter in Leo affect my sign?
I made a short video summarizing what Jupiter in Leo means and how it affects the different signs.
Here is a detailed explanation:
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