Perkiomen Valley School District Annual Report 2017-18 Annual Report 2017-18 1 | Page 10
Number of Students Receiving 3s on AP Tests Increases
Perkiomen Valley High School students have the oppor-
tunity to take Advanced Placement (AP) courses and earn
college credit upon attaining minimum scores on related
AP exams. Exams are scored on a scale of 1 to 5, and many
colleges and universities will award college credits to stu-
dents who score a 3 or higher. Our high school offered 21
AP courses in the 2017-18 school year. The chart at right
shows the percentage of graduating seniors who took at
least one AP course and scored a 3 or better on the exam
- this is known as the AP Equity and Excellence score. Our
goal is to have every graduate score a 3 or higher on at
least one AP exam as a way to demonstrate college readi-
ness. In the 2016-17 school year, 52.4 percent of our grad-
uates scored a 3 or higher. This number has been steadily
increasing over the last three years, so progress is being
made toward this goal.
55% of graduating
seniors took an AP
exam and received a
score of 3 or higher
Overall, in 2018, 638 Perkiomen Valley High School stu-
dents took an AP exam. Of this group, 87.5 percent scored
a 3 or better. State-wide, only 67.1 percent scored a 3 or
PV Continues to Perform Above State/National Averages on SAT, ACT
The SAT is the nation’s most widely referenced admis-
sions test among colleges and universities. It assesses
students’ knowledge of subjects necessary for college
success: reading, writing and mathematics. The SAT
is taken by students during their junior and/or senior
years. The College Board reported that more than 2.1
million students took the SAT in 2018. Approximately 79
percent of PV’s graduating seniors took the SAT.
SAT Scores
The number of students taking the ACT, which is another
national college admissions test, had been on the rise
but this past year, the numbers declined a bit. In 2017,
190 PV students took the ACT. In 2018, 156 students
took the test. State-wide, last year, 27,694 students took
the ACT. The ACT includes the four subject areas of
English, math, science and reading, and its results are
accepted by all four-year colleges and universities in the
U.S. The highest possible score on the ACT is 36.
ACT Scores