Perkiomen Valley School District Annual Report 2017-18 Annual Report 2017-18 1 | Page 11
Preparing Students for Life After High School
College and career readiness is another component being measured and tracked by the new Future Ready PA
Index. Perkiomen Valley School District students are introduced to college and career readiness in varying degrees
at both the elementary and secondary levels. At the elementary level, for example, fourth-graders learn about
entrepreneurship through presentations made by high school students who have developed businesses and
products through their own study of the topic. In seventh grade, students take a survey about their interests and
are provided with suggested career clusters they might want to consider. At the high school level, students partic-
ipate in the Career Fair and many other activities designed to get them thinking about life after high school. Most
of our schools are meeting or exceeding expectations for this new measure, but there is much work taking place to
ensure our schools are collecting evidence that students have learned about careers and how to prepare for them,
how to find a job, how to keep a job, and entrepreneurship.
Where Did 2018 Graduates Go to College?
PA Private Universities - 76
Out-of-State Universities - 78
Community College - 59
State-Related/Commonwealth Universities
(ex. Penn State/Pitt) - 81
PA State Universities
(ex. Bloomsburg, West Chester) - 81
4-Year College - 74.8%
Other - 1.2%
Community College, Then Transfer - 12.6%
Military - 2.7%
Job - 4.5%
Community College - 4.2%
Comprehensive Planning Process Spans 2017-18 School Year
Every three years, school districts
are required by the Pennsylvania
Department of Education to create a
comprehensive plan. The plan, which
is data-driven and research-based,
is meant to facilitate collaboration
and communication, promote shared
practices and resources, and ensure
that all district stakeholders are aware
of and are working toward common
goals. In short, a comprehensive plan
helps “set the course” for the district
over the next three years.
Perkiomen Valley School District be-
gan the process to draft a new com-
prehensive plan during the 2017-18
school year. A Steering Committee
made up of School Board members,
administrators, teachers, parents, stu-
dents and community members spent
the last year addressing various over-
arching components of the plan, such
as the mission statement and vision.
Smaller subcommittees were formed to
address the four plan components of
special education, professional educa-
tion, safe and supportive schools, and
teaching and learning.
In November 2018, the School Board
approved the final version of the com-
prehensive plan, which was then sub-
mitted to the Pennsylvania Department
of Education (PDE) for approval. PDE
approved the plan not long after that.
To learn more about the plan and the
process leading up to it, visit the web-
site (click on “About Us” and “Compre-
hensive Plan”).