CEO Forum 2014
concurren t session f
“Is Malaysian education in crisis?”
Mr Lim Teck Hoe | CEO, Ideaspark
Sdn Bhd
“Out of the 65 countries that took part
in PISA (Program for International Student Assessment), Malaysia ranked 52,
lower than Thailand. Our reading score
is only 398 against the global average
of 496. Our scores for TIMSS (Trends
in International Mathematics & Science
Study) have also not improved. According to Times Higher Education World
University Rankings, no Malaysian university rank within the Top 50 in Asia.”
Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Utama Arshad
Ayub | Chairman, PFM Capital Sdn
“Are those who are responsible in educating our children doing a good job? The
question is not that our education is in
crisis, the question is whether our teachers and professors are doing their job to
educate to meet the objectives of the
institutions...My hope is that there will
be more professionalism in education.”
Datin Noor Azimah Abdul Rahim |
Chairman, PAGE
“Science needs to be taught in the laboratories...Science labs a