Perdana Magazine 2014-2015 | Page 18

CEO Forum 2014 concurren t session e “How can Malaysians and Malaysian companies best prepare for a financial crisis?” moderator Mr Ahmad Zakie Ahmad Shariff | Non Executive Director, FA Securities “When a crisis comes, the thing that we will look closely at would be our immediate surroundings. After the Asian Financial Crisis, Malaysia made sure our banks were leaner, more agile and resilient. There were regulations to prevent over-exposure to foreign currency borrowings. This helped to make Malaysia more robust and, may I say, a more prudent capital market.” Datuk Wira Azhar Abdul Hamid | CEO, MRT Corp “I want to talk about the 5Cs of managing a financial crisis: Confront reality, otherwise you would not be around for a very long time. Be Creative - you have to innovate and think on your feet. Have Courage - if you do not make a decision, you are not being a good leader. Communicate – your team needs to know what is going on. Lastly, don’t forget Customer acquisition and retention. You still have to look for markets and you still have to make sure you can afford the payroll that you have.” Mr Keith Pogson | Senior Partner, Financial Services, Asia Pacific, EY Dato’ Mirza Mohammad Taiyab | D-G, Tourism Malaysia “In times of crises, it’s important to continue communicating with your prospective customers to encourage them to return. Despite the recent MH370 and MH17 incidents which saw a drop in tourists from China, Taiwan and a few other markets, we saw an increase in tourists from Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia and Brunei.” Ms Nor Rejina Abdul Rahim | Managing Director, Nomura Asset Monagement Malaysia Sdn Bhd “What you need to do is to invest in unit trusts. Even SMEs can invest in the money market and short-term bond funds. Income derived from investments in unit trusts are tax deductible. It is a good way to put excess cash away.” “Economic communities are working more closely together and becoming stronger. Trade is becoming more vibrant. We are becoming a more connected society. One thing that came out of the 2008 global financial crisis is how quickly the G7 and G20 countries as well as other coalitions such as BRICS worked together.  Governments are increasingly trying to connect their populaces and their financial systems to create stability because it is this stability that will allow us to have a prosperous financial future”. panellists Mr Mohamed Nazri Omar | CEO, Danajamin Nasional Berhad “You need to have a balance. There has to be prudent asset-liability matching. Also, you may want to consider going regional or global. This does not only mean opening a shop in another country but also exporting to diversify from the local economy.” 18 | P e r d a n a M a g a z in e 2 0 1 5