CEO Forum 2014
speci a l session w i t h e y:
“Industries of high growth and resilience, 2015
and beyond”
Mr. Azwan Baharuddin |
Partner, Asia Pacific Advisory
Business Development Leader
“In 2015, we identified six global mega
trends that will impact the global market
place: Digital enterprise. Mobile data
analytics, the cloud. Urban enhancements like digitally-enabled smart cities.
Work unbound (technology is evolving
the notions of the work place). Health
re-imagined (the concept of healthcare
is changing around the world). Increased
adaptation and innovation of non-renewable resource sectors. We are an
oil and gas rich country, but there is increasing competition in the renewable
energy space.”
Mr Keith Pogson | Senior Partner,
Financial Services, Asia Pacific, EY
Global Assurance Leader – Banking &
Capital Markets, EY
“If I was sitting in a government role at
this point in time looking forward, I’d be
trying to get people to think outside the
20 | P e r d a n a M a g a z in e 2 0 1 5
box. Take away from them the rote learning of past education. The computer of
the future will do most of what mankind
can do. But there would still be need for
human brilliance in innovation. That’s going to be difficult for computers in the
next thirty to fifty years to take away
from humans. So it really has to be education that the government focuses on.”
Ms Mildred Tan | Head of Advisory
Services, EY Singapore
“There’s increasing innovation in
healthcare. In medical science, doctors
are now using analytics for predictive
assessments and diagnoses. To reduce
expenses, a doctor may outfit an ambulance with the latest X-Ray machines,
blood test equipment and heart machines, and be able to offer medical
assessment and treatment, anywhere.
For Malaysia, I think medical tourism is
big business. In 2020, we think that the
number of medical tourists in Malaysia
will go up to two million.”
Mr Vikram Chakravarty | EY Asia
Pacific Capital Transformation Leader
“Whose responsibility is it to ensure that
we are competitive in the future? In my
opinion, both the entrepreneur and the
government will rule together. The entrepreneur must dream the bigger dream.
But equally government has a fundamental role in restructuring industries. Far
too many governments mollycoddle and
protect their local industries in a way that
they cannot be globally competitive…We
need the government to wake up and
recognise that’s not the right way to do
things and allow restructuring.”