PECM Issue 58 2022 | Page 91

4 . What more do you do ? This is deliberately open-ended as there ’ s so much more that a company can do . For example , we use solar panels to generate enough energy to match our annual consumption : any excess is fed into the Grid , whilst any grid electricity we use is on 100 % renewable tariffs . We have a cable recycling facility that processes not just our own cable waste but that of customers ’ too , taking their installation offcuts and redundant legacy power cables – the materials can ’ t be made into cables again but they have lots of other uses , saving on the overall consumption of raw materials . We ’ re also conscious that sustainability isn ’ t an isolated effort so we ’ re working with our wider supply chain to see where we can make changes .
Did you know that HGVs fueled by Biofuels instead of diesel can cut emissions by over 85 % - important for longer distances and deliveries of larger , heavier cable drums as we do .
Why are we telling you this ? We ’ re sharing what we ’ re doing to prompt conversations – after all , as part of your supply chain your cable supplier ’ s actions have an impact on you . This is just a starting point . We ’ re pushing forward with our Sustainability plans and our journey to Net Zero continues … the question is what are you doing and how can we work together to achieve the environmental gains we need ?
For more information :
Read our Sustainability report : www . elandcables . com / company / about-us / esg-sustainability
Get in touch : sustainability @ elandcables . com
Issue 58 PECM 91