PECM Issue 58 2022 | Page 90

Pushing forwards with sustainability plans


Pushing forwards with sustainability plans
Everyone ’ s talking about Sustainability but how do you make it real and avoid it becoming just a tick-box exercise ? It can be challenging to scratch beneath the marketing gloss and understand what really makes a difference .
When it comes to electrical cables , we ’ re talking Copper and Aluminium conductors with layers of polymeric insulation and sheathing , plus braids , armouring and other layers as appropriate to deliver the performance , protection , and standards compliance required . Global cable standards dictate the use of virgin materials , and manufacture still depends on raw metals being extracted and processed ; it ’ s carbon-intensive but there are few alternatives . It also means long-distance transportation by road or sea which has its own emissions . Yet with almost every industry from e-Mobility and Renewable Energy to Rail and Industrial Automation looking to decarbonise , how can you make a positive impact ?
1 . The more suitable the cable , the less stress on the system . Hone the specification to balance performance demands , installation design , and environmental challenges . The more suited the cable is , the better optimized and more efficiently the system will run . Seek support where needed to get the best fit possible .
2 . Choose quality and it ’ ll last longer . Verified quality and compliance plays a key role in delivering sustainable operations – there ’ s less risk of premature failure , less maintenance required . It might seem obvious but from a sustainability perspective you want to avoid having to replace the cable down the line as that ’ s materials , product delivery , installation equipment , and time on site that would otherwise not be necessary .
1 . Do you have a sustainability plan ? Having a defined plan with meaningful actions and targets means it ’ s being taken seriously . Look for commitments to carbon emissions reductions and Net Zero strategies such as SBTI ( Science Based Targets Initiative ), ethical and environmental commitments like the UN Global Compact Sustainable Development Goals , and recognition from platforms like Ecovadis on sustainability actions and governance .
2 . How is my order delivered ? Did you know that HGVs fueled by Biofuels instead of diesel can cut emissions by over 85 % - important for longer distances and deliveries of larger , heavier cable drums as we do . Green route planning by transport teams can reduce mileage . Look also for Electric vehicles as part of the fleet – especially if they ’ re charged via renewable energy .
3 . Is the Packaging recycled and / or recyclable ? There ’ s no reason now for packaging to not be made from sustainable or recycled materials , and for them to be suitable for recycling after use . Even pallet wrap can be recyclable or biodegradable . The cable drums , reels and plys can also be repaired , reused or recycled . Of course , it ’ s important that you do then recycle these items after they ’ ve served their purpose – if you don ’ t have the facilities to do it , ask your supplier if they can help . For instance , we offer drum collections when backhauling from a site .
90 PECM Issue 58