50 “cottage parents.” The dedicated
staff helps the children 24 hours a day
by serving a seven-days on/seven-days
off schedule in each cottage to provide
a stable environment.
With a total of 14 cottages, The Crossnore School is often the first call that
the Department of Social Services
makes because they are one of the only
options to accommodate siblings—
individual foster care homes can only
accept a total of five children (including
any biological children already living
in the home) at one time.
Carolina that has a public K–12 charter
school where all the children attend.
Williams Academy is located on campus, and for many it’s the first time
they’ve had the hope and support to
pursue a quality education. As Brett
explains, “Education gives kids options.
It helps them learn that they can achieve
their dreams. Without an education,
you don’t know all the possibilities
available to you.” Many students receive
college offers, and each letter, and grade
graduation, is celebrated in a big way.
Crossnore’s CEO, Brett A. Loftis,
recently dedicated new, larger cottages
to uniquely accommodate siblings who
have been removed from their homes.
The cottages are located in the Young
Children’s Village on campus and are
part of Crossnore’s Second Century
Campaign. According to Loftis, “The
size of our cottages allows us to accept
sibling groups, and we are known for
our ability to take large groups. This
enables children who have lost everything else (parents, home, school and
belongings) to remain with their siblings. It strengthens family bonds and
helps them feel safe.”
The Crossnore School is also the only
residential foster care home in North
Work from Craven Hand Built Pottery featured
in the Crossnore Fine Arts Gallery.
FALL 2016