A Home for Healing: The Crossnore School
Therapy is obviously an integral part
of the school, and all staff members,
regardless of their position, have had
therapy training. This ensures that
whether a child is ordering lunch,
going to bed or attending class they
are engaging in intentional healing
interactions. Crossnore offers multiple
forms of therapy ranging from family
and play therapy to substance abuse,
as well as Equine Assisted Growth
and Learning Association therapy.
This holistic approach—which treats
the whole child emotionally, physically,
mentally and spiritually—is one of the
many reasons Kathy Izard has been a
longtime supporter of the school. She
affirms, “While I have been on several
boards over the years, serving on
Crossnore really has been like no other
experience or organization. The school
is life changing for the children who
become a part of the campus, and life
affirming for those of us on the board
helping Brett and his incredible staff.”
In addition to academics and therapy,
Crossnore also runs the Stepping
Stones program, which provides reallife work, finance and transportation
experiences for older high school