A Home for Healing:
The Crossnore School
Located in Crossnore, NC, in the
majestic Blue Ridge Mountains, The
Crossnore School is a non-profit residential foster care home for children ages
1 to 21. With a mission to provide a
non-denominational Christian sanctuary of hope, the school accepts children
of any or no faith. The focus is on hope
and intentional healing, a place where
children can rise above their circumstances to excel in school and life.
WRITTEN BY Bek Mitchell-Kidd
Founded in 1913 by Drs. Eustace
and Mary Martin Sloop to address
educational, medical, social and economic needs of the rural mountain
communities, the school now serves
more than 150 children annually. The
85-acre campus, which encompasses
many historic buildings and selfsupporting businesses, continues to
expand. The children live in homelike
cottages with the school’s more than