From Christopher, Dear Get Real what are some places
I can talk to or go to discuss my drug and alcohol
Thank you for writing in Christopher and there is many places to visit and I will write down
below what they do and how to contact them.
Counselling Online
You can visit or call them at 1800 888 236
Counselling Online is a free service available 24/7 that lets people with drug and alcohol
addiction problems go to have a talk with a counsellor online or over the phone and talk
about how they got addicted, how they are going right now with addiction and how to stop
and stay clean and sober.
Say When
You can visit say when at
Say When is an online website that lets you monitor your drinking intake, the dangers of how
much you are drinking and helps you to shrink the size of beer consumption over time. This
website is specifically for people with an alcohol addiction but is still a really helpful website
for becoming sober.
Family Drugs Support Australia
You can visit FDSA at and Phone: 02 4782 9222 and their fax them at
02 4782 9555 and their send a letter to their PO Box at 7363 LEURA NSW 2780 and call
their support line at 1300 368 186
FDSA is a website made to help families understand drug addiction and how to help their
children and they also have a helpline open 24/7 and will help you and your family get
through drug addiction and how to help the person with the addiction.
Family Drug Help
You can visit family drug help at or call their 24/7 helpline
at 1300 660 068
Family drug help also helps family through drug addiction but gives families the tool they
need to help their relative overcome addiction and helps people overcome their addiction
and lend a caring ear.