We often forget that with a new workout program and eating regimen, to allot for the temptation to fall back into our routine, cravings, or decline in motivation. There will be days that you just can’t live without your favorite sweet, or you can’t go another minute without a cigarette, or you’re going to blow a fuse. And when those days come, just keep this in mind; we are products of routine, years and years of routine, it’s impossible to reverse years of habits and routines in a period of a few months or so- it takes time. Remember that this is a marathon, you must pace yourself; one day at a time, step by step, and don’t be afraid to mess up, or lose focus. It’s all part of the process, don’t be so hard on yourself, pick yourself up and try it again.
It’s great that we want to set goals and achieve them with a fresh start, but starting fresh on new and improved goals, is something we can do all year with more ease and success, if we follow these 4 simple but helpful tips. Say goodbye to New Year’s Resolution Blues, and say hello to a better you, all year round.
Another very helpful way to achieve our goals year round, is to timeline goals in the most realistic and effective way, and create an accountability system for each milestone. Say for instance, you pick 3 goals that need to be achieved as soon as possible, before tackling any other goals; you plan them out with specific steps, set calendar reminders throughout the month and an accountability partner; and reminders in advance of each milestone as a checkpoint, for achieving those goals over the next 3 months.
This allows you to visualize your goals more realistically and put them into a clear perspective, responsively differentiating between realistic goals versus fleeting dreams, while also assuring you’re on target to reach your goals. If your goal is to workout 3 days a week starting out, and then work your way up to 5 days per week by March, allow yourself to get comfortable with your new workout schedule by working out 3 days a week for the first month; no added pressure while disciplining your body, and then step it up to 4 days a week in the second month.
We’ve all heard the old adage at least once or twice in our lives “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail”. Well, as hard as it is to admit it, this saying applies to this area of our lives in every way. Planning out meals and workouts to fit into our daily lives, is the best way to set ourselves up for success. In order to have healthy eating habits, you have to have healthy eating options available, otherwise you will turn to those last few honey buns, or potato chips. And in order to go from being active one day a week, to being active 3 days a week, takes practice and preparation in order to have the appropriate time to comfortably do so. When it’s more of a challenge to plan for something, than it is to actually experience it, it becomes an undesirable chore. To avoid this horrid feeling, planning in advance can be such a life saver, especially considering most of us blame the rat race as the culprit of robbing us of time to work out or prepare our meals in advance; before actually considering time management as a solution. We also find ourselves sticking to one solution when we’re pressed for time, because it’s familiar or easy, which for us who live jammed packed lives, with minimal fluff time, would say is most favorable. We actually miss the beauty in the experience if we only try one way of working out, or one way of eating healthier; because there is no such thing as the best way to do anything, but there is a best way for you, which is so important because you have to know what works for you, and how will you know if you don’t explore options. The options will be helpful later down the road as your workout program requires change, and when motivation needs a jump start.
For more information and tips on Body Wellness & Fitness by Trainer Anneka Smith, please visit WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/ANNEKACSMITH