PC Urban Magazine Volume 1, Issue 4 Dave Bishop's Queens of Heart | Page 10

"I believe being a phenomenal woman of power means being confident in yourself and having the ability despite your obstacles to continue each and every day being the change the world needs."

- Michelle Clay

Being a PWOP is recognizing your power and having the courage to pursue it in it's highest form. It could be something as big as starting a business, as simple as finally performing at the open mic event you love or even applying for that promotion you know you deserve. I meet women everyday who see me running my business and say "I wish I could..." or "One day I'd love to..." I always tell them you CAN and that day should be today. The difference is those of us who have the courage to put ourselves out there despite the possibility of failure. And we want it so badly we are willing to be uncomfortable and sacrifice to make it happen.

-Rikki Jean-Antoine Orlando, FL

7 Things That Define A Phenomenal Woman Of Power

Our Social Media Follows shared their Ideas on What it means to be a phenomenal woman of power, here are our top 7 favorites!

"Finding out what's the real reason you are on this earth. Actually taking what God has empowered within you from the day you were born and stepping out and doing the plan. Keeping it movin in spite of the obstacles or experiences in your life. And not letting it or them stop you. Believing in yourself and developing the skill, wisdom, and knowledge to make it happen.."

- Cara Terrance Charlotte, NC