Pauza Magazine Winter & Spring 2005 | Page 9

Page 9 P a u z a 2 0 0 5 A Reminder about the Importance of Goal Number Three By Krystal Easthouse, Mak-8, Vinica Goal number three in the Peace Corps mission is to "help promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of the American people." DO NOT FEEL LIKE A FAILURE! My goodness, you are living in another country, learning another culture, language, and getting up every day to work within a political system that is challenging, to say the least. Remember, as humans, change for us is slow and painful. Not even close to a failure sweetie, but an amazing individual who is plugging away at a challenging situation. Remember, Peace Corps is not just your time in another country, look what you have done for the students at Grand Canyon. There are 25 children who had never heard of Macedonia before, and now they have a wonderful insight into this different world, that is a gift YOU have given them! - Jillian Worssam, Teacher at Grand Canyon Middle School I was recently in Athens, as a cheerleader for a couple of my fellow volunteers in the Athens Marathon, when I got into an interesting conversation with my friend Frank who is serving in Peace Corps Bulgaria. Peace Corps Bulgaria, due to its size and number of volunteers, has developed a Peer Support Network and Frank happens to have been trained as a Peer Counselor. He informed me that during training he learned that one of the quantitative statistics that was correlated with being a "problem area" for volunteers was level of education. It seems that those volunteers with higher levels of education are more susceptible to experiencing feelings of failure in relation to their service. Whether or not there is any validity to this statistic I think that all volunteers, despite age or education, at one time or another experience selfdoubt related to the effectiveness of their activities as volunteers. This is understandable for a variety of reasons. First, volunteers generally do not have a large impact on their host organizations or communities in the first six months or even the first year of their service (if at all). Second, volunteers generally have very little to do at site if they for example are unfamiliar with the host language, do not have an English-speaking counterpart, do not have a very active host organization, etc. Third, Peace Corps administration has volunteers fill out quarterly reports regarding the quantitative impact of their service, thus not highlighting the qualitative activities that tend of make up the majority of our days as volunteers. You combine these work-related factors with the emotional and physical stress factors caused by living in another country and we're probably all repeating the diatribe of Stuart Smalley ( to remind us of our selfworth. Frank informed me that in Bulgaria, one of the strategies that was discussed to counter the "feeling like a failure" issue was for Peace Corps Administration to make a more concerted effort to em- phasize the second and third goals of the Peace Corps mission. Regardless of whether administration does it, it is a strategy that YOU as a volunteer can put into use to remind yourself that the activities you are engaged in, regardless of how unimportant they seem, do have an impact, and do make your service extremely valuable. I think that this point will be more apparent with a little reminder about goal number three. Goal number three in the Peace Corps mission is to "help promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of the American people." It is an easy goal to fulfill because it is achieved simply by living here and having friends and family in the States. Every time we have communication with our loved ones back at home and they ask us "How are you?" our response ????????????????????????????????)M????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????)???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????)???]????]???M?????????????I??????????????????)??????????????????????????)??????????????????)??????????????????????)???????????????????)???????????????????)??????????????????????????????$??????????????)?????????????????????)????????????????????)???????????T?L???????????)???????????????????$((0