Pauza Magazine Winter 2014 | Page 14

cultural experiences HOLID A dventures in Hanukkahing By Kelly Friedman MAK 17 Step 1: Find a Menorah I knew I wouldn’t find a menorah in Probistip, so off to Skopje! But where in Skopje? I tried finding something online and came up with nothing. So I tried the only specifically Jewish place I knew of: the Holocaust Museum. All museums have shops, and it would make sense for a Jewish museum to have a menorah, right? Wrong. There were mini statues of menorahs, but actual menorahs that could hold candles? Nope. What to do, what to do...? Step 2: Ok... Make a Menorah! Back to the internet. I found a fairly simple clay menorah which even my remedial art skills could handle and recruited my local friend to help me find the clay. We (she) rolled out and formed the clay into a simple but lovely menorah shape complete with candle holes and a special spot for th H