Pauza Magazine Winter 2014 | Page 13

cultural experiences DAYS A STRUGA THANKSGIVING By Alex Dunn - Mak 17 It was a cloudy, cold, rainy 23rd of November in Struga when PCVs from around Macedonia gathered to indulge their inner foodie, enjoy some good company, and celebrate Thanksgiving Day together. The menu was replete with your typical Thanksgiving Day trappings. On display were three slightly-more-than-sevenpound turkeys, a river of mashed potatoes, a mountain of stuffing, and enough desserts to--as my mother would say--choke a horse. Indeed, the feast was on. But you might ask, how did this amazing, exquisitelyplanned event come to be? And lo, what kind of life-altering experiences were shared by guests on that fateful day? Read on, dear friends… Saturday the 23rd dawned cold, rainy, windy, and grey. In the words of an arriving volunteer, overcome with raw emotion, “It’s really shitty here.” Invited guests included the PCVs of Macedonia, roughly twenty of whom made the pilgrimage (get it?), and local friends and families numbering in the dozens. The weather, we concluded after the fact, turned a lot of the locals off the celebration, but the volunteers turned out in force and we had around 30 guests in total. We were fortunately able to use the kitchen and dining space at PCV Jessica Davidson’s workplace, which provided just enough space to seat everyone comfortably. Each guest or family was asked to bring a dish to pass--and boy did they deliver. Food alone covered three tables, and drinks another. Shortly after 2pm, and following a heartwarming and generally well-regarded welcome speech from PCV Alex Dunn (also the literate and devilishly handsome scribe behind these words), everyone formed a satisfyingly American-style line and dug into the offerings. Though the spread was overwhelmingly American, Macedonia found space at the table in the form of Tavche Gravche and Ajvar, among others. The next few hours were filled with laughter, joy, and unabashed gluttony. It was truly a Thanksgiving to remember. As the dust settled, with the local guests returning to their homes and a fair number of PCVs coming round from their post-meal naps, the cleanup began. In the hour that followed, which has been termed with varying levels of hyperbole a “great job,” a “Herculean effort,” and “quite possibly Peace Corps Macedonia’s finest hour,” our wonderful PCV team cleaned the the whole place--including all the dishes, paving the way for the evening’s festivities. After an hour or so spent winding down, things picked back up again that evening for a few more hours together chatting, playing games, and enjoying adult beverages responsibly. The night finished off with a rousing game of Cards Against Humanity, leaving everyone a little more offended than they came. And isn’t that what Thanksgiving’s all about? To end, a serious and heartfelt shout out to everyone who came down to Struga for the weekend. It was an absolute blast and created some really great memories. We thank you for sharing your Thanksgiving with us, and wish you all the best in the New Year. Winter 2014 – 13