Pauza Magazine Summer 2013 | Page 31

pcv projects

Photos by Karli-Marie Reyes-Dimovska resolutions men

Access eptives

ging the increase of edurcing this through legisin some countries there h the use of contracepted Nations Women calls rriculum , courses and / or re informed about cond benefits . Furthermore , n , are invited to become f the facts about contraent of media campaigns .

General Assembly

Increasing Access for the Disabled

Content Overview : Affirming that more than half a billion people are disabled mentally , physically , or as a result of sensory impairment , being aware of the constant discrimination that people with disabilities are facing , the United Nations General Assembly recommends that more developed countries should provide assistance to less developed countries through financial means or technical expertise , and encourages the governments of less developed countries to develop public service media campaigns to bring awareness to the needs of this sector of the population .
Summer 2013 – 31