pcv projects
Cross-sector PCVs support each other for greater good
By Lew Hemmer , MAK 16
While working with an NGO whose mission is the “ deinstutionalization of people with mental handicaps ,” it struck me that their beneficiaries were frequently quite sedentary . We seek to help all of the beneficiaries : we serve to improve their general well-being , help them acquire independent ADL ( activities of daily living ) skills and become integrated in all social spheres of the community . Additionally , we work to educate the community about the capabilities of our beneficiaries in order to enhance understanding and acceptance on the part of the general community . In an attempt to enhance the capacity of my NGO in their mission and physically engage the beneficiaries , I initiated an “ Exercise for the Health of it ” program funded by a SPA grant . Along with the leadership of a HCN volunteer , who has experience as a personal fitness trainer , we now meet with the beneficiaries three evenings each week . Every session begins with stretching exercises and ends with some strengthening exercises . The heart of each session focuses on different sport activities , such as basketball and ( European ) football . Our beneficiaries have begun to understand and demonstrate teamwork , taking turns , and supporting and encouraging each other for common goals . Additionally , they are gaining self-confidence .
A few months ago , fellow PCV Beverly Milhoan ( MAK17 ) received a supply of Wiffle bats and balls from friends in the States . She had already introduced the game to students at her school , where she is teaching English , so she generously shared some of her Wiffle Ball equipment with me after hearing about my sport & exercise program . Thanks to her donation , I have added Wiffle Ball to our program and we are attempting to teach our beneficiaries the same qualities as described above through the fun
Ball !
Everyone is included , even this blind beneficiary
Each session starts with stretching and exercise 32 – Pauza Magazine
Learning the v