Pauza Magazine Spring 2013 | Page 20

pcv projects

Women ’ s day Pr

2013 how PCVs celebra

Mother ’ s Day Letters Jamie Metz , MAK16 Orhan Xhemaili Elementary School in Tateshi 6 th – 8 th grades March 8 , 2013
Activities : Brainstormed with the students what their mothers do for them
Discussed the importance of showing gratitude and saying “ thank you ” every time mothers make dinner , wash clothes , clean rooms , etc
Students created a class letter about why they are thankful for their mothers ( a letter was written in English and translated into Albanian )
Highlights : Many children seemed to understand that their mothers may feel sad and unappreciated . These students comprehended why it ’ s important to show gratitude . Also , many mothers who otherwise wouldn ’ t have received anything , received a heartfelt letter of thanks from their child . I was pleased to hear many students relay that their mothers were touched by the letters .
Lessons Learned : I was a bit disappointed by how many of my male students took their mothers for granted . A couple students commented , “ What else would our mothers do besides clean the house and take care of us ?” I realized that my students don ’ t know anything different . In the future , it could be helpful to show images or videos of kids doing chores all over the world , to read books about kids doing chores , and to follow up the activity by doing a reflection with the students on what their lives would be like living in the families shown in the images , books , or videos . The girls may be surprised by the division of labor and the boys would hopefully see that they would have to do chores , and perhaps even be more grateful for their mothers . It could also be a good way to break down and reexamine defined gender roles in my community .
One Billio Lakesh Abreu and Chris
Skopje center ( a February
Sponsors :
1 . V Day Macedonia ( https :// w et = a . 10152488533900307 ype = 1 )
2 . National Network to End V mestic Violence ( http :// www
3 . Healthy Options Project – info _ en . htm )
Activities : One Billion Rising is ry to end violence against women place on 14 February 2013 and c communities worldwide . Eve Ens logues teamed up with chorograp global campaign . By utilizing socia Billion Rising ” was sent to millions The follow up to the film was a d Chain .” It sets the stage for the tory . One Billion Rising has mobil wide , inspiring women and men in and express their outrage , and to violence .
On February 14th , the National N Women and Domestic Violence , t pje , and V Day Macedonia hoste in Skopje Square . Close to 100 c ered in the square , eagerly awa the Chain ” video . At 12:30pm , we screen . The music began and w ceived a gracious round of applau the elderly and youth .
20 – Pauza Magazine