Highlights : pcv projects
For the first time , it felt as though the people of Macedonia were not divided and were able to unite for a cause that extends beyond the walls of Eastern Europe .
– Lakesh Abreu
Around 60 to 70 Macedonian girls and women of all ages performed a choreographed flash mob in Skopje center to raise awareness about violence against women .
– Christy Wimberley n Rising ty Wimberley , MAK17s nd worldwide ) 14 , 2013
ww . facebook . com / media / set /? s . 947445.10150128749195307 & t iolence Against Women and Do- . glasprotivnasilstvo . org . mk /)
Skopje ( http :// www . hops . org . mk / the largest global acinst women and girls . 4 February 2013 and t communities world- Vagina Monologues bie Allen and created ocial media , the short s sent to millions of follow up to the film g the Chain .” It sets event in history . One billion people worldin 207 countries to utrage , and to strike ,
Network to End Vioestic Violence , the nd V Day Macedonia vent in Skopje Square . Close to gathered in the square , eagerly g the Chain ” video . At 12:30pm , a screen . The music began and ed a gracious round of applause lderly and youth .
Photos : One Billion Rising by Christy Wimberley
Spring 2013 – 21