The Helpfulness of Mad Libs
How To Go To Sleep
If you have trouble falling
asleep, you probably have a
crazy mind. You must learn
to relax so you will have a
cool mind instead. First, drink
a cup of hot Skopsko and
stretch out on a hot bed in a
sober position. Then, breathe
quickly and think about something beautiful, such as slow
cars. Do not think about your
painful enemies or entertain
any other beautiful thoughts.
Concentrate on something restful, such as
electric heaters, which will make your
bag more relaxed. Or, count imaginary
gorillas jumping over a pen. Follow
these happy rules and you will fall into a
furious sleep the minute your liver hits
the pillow!
For those of you who aren’t
sure what Mad Libs are…I will be the
first to enlighten you! Mad Libs consist
of short stories that are missing certain
words. One player calls out the type of
word (adverb, number, expression), and
another player will say any word they
want that fits the type. At the end of the
--------------------story, all the missing words should be
filled in, and the reNow, that is advice to be
sulting story is read.
Half of both the books are full, followed!
Cue hilarity.
Mad Libs also
but not because of the students;
Bringing two
describes what people usuit’s the fault of me and my
books of Mad Libs to
ally do during the long
Macedonia was one of
summer months. For exMacedonian friends…
the best things I ever
Originally, I’d
planned to use them in teaching my high- Vacations
school students (you know, great practice
A vacation is when you take a
for nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.) Hon- trip to some fluffy place with your
estly, though…I’ve been too selfish! scratchy family. Usually, you go to some
Half of both the books are full, but not place that is near a pair of blue jeans, or
because of the students; it’s the fault of up on a falling leaf. A good vacation
me and my Macedonian friends…with place is one where you can ride giraffes,
the help of a couple PCVs.
or play Counterstrike, or go hunting for
The first collection of Mad Libs wet clothes. I like to spend my time
runs under the theme of Vacation Fun! coughing or snoring!
The theme of the second one is basically
When my parents go on vacaa free-for-all. Now, Mad Libs are mainly tion, they spend their time eating three
played just for fun or to pass the time. I sarma a day, and fathers play golf while
actually find them helpful…not only for the mothers sit around cleaning. L ???)????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????)????????????????????????)????????????????Q???????????)??????????????????????????????????????????????5???????e????)??????????????????)????????$????????????????????)????????????????????]??????????)A????????????????????)???????????????5?1% L?=L????)??????????????????????????????()Y=1U5??%MMU??()??????????????????????????)???????????????????????????)???????????????????????????(?????????????????????????????????????????qM???t????????????????+?q????????$????????????t?]??????????)?????????????????????????!???e?????)???????????((?()?