Pattampoochi - Butterfly Magazine Pattampoochi - Wings 2 Veins 1 2018 | Page 37

9 An update on the re-validation of species in Tamil Nadu At the end of June 2017, we have reported 306 species as part of revalidation exercise (Ref: Pattampoochi Wings 1 Vein 3 for more details). S. No Subsequent to this, until December 2017, we have added 3 more species taking the numbers to 309. Dur- ing the year, a total of 11 species have been added to the revalidation list. One of the species (Tarucus balkanicus nigra) added to the list is outside the 323 species, thus revising the target checklist species to 324 from 323. Another 15 more species are yet to be revalidated from the target list of 324. Family Target Available 1 Papilionidae 19 19 2 Pieridae 32 31 3 Nymphalidae 96 91 4 Lycaenidae 92 87 5 Riodi nidae 2 2 6 Hesperiidae 83 79 324 309 Total 95% Naturalists, Butterfly enthusiasts and others are out in field regularly to map the remaining 15 species for the state and it is very well possible that some of them may not even occur and some new species may just expand to our area. Systematic and regular exploration and survey of not only plains but core area of Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats will really help! It is just a matter of time, we feel species like Nilgiri Grass Yellow, Small Long-brand Bushbrown, Long-brand Bushbrown, Palni Sailer are spotted while the other species may continue to be elusive for some time to come. The following table provides details of the 3 species sighted along with person who recorded it and date and place since June 2017 (the last time we have provided an update on this. The details of all of them can be found in our official Facebook page. S. No Species Name Autumn Leaf Kanara Swift Black-spotted Pierrot (Tarucus balkanicus nigra) 1 2 3 Person recorded Santhosh Kshathriya SRK Ramasamy A Pavendhan Place Rajapalayam Nilgiris Singanallur, Coim- batore Date September 2017 30.10.2017 05.11.2017 The following table provides the names of remaining 15 target species S. No Scientific Name 1 2 3 Eurema nilgiriensis Amathusia phidippus Mycalesis igilia Common Name (as per BNHS Field guide) Nilgiri Grass Yellow Palmking Small Long-brand Bushbrown Other Common Names (as per IFB website) 4 Mycalesis visala Long-brand Bushbrown Long-branded Bushbrown 5 Lasippa viraja Yellow Jack Sailer 6 Neptis (soma) palnica Creamy Sailer 7 Anthene emolus Common Ciliate Blue 8 9 Tarucus indica Arhopala bazaloides Pointed Pierrot Tamil Oakblue Indian Pierrot Dusted Oakblue 10 Arhopala abseus Aberrant Bushblue Aberrant Oakblue 11 Tajuria maculata Spotted Royal Spotted Royal 12 Hasora badra Common Awl 13 Thoressa sitala Sitala Ace 14 Zographetus ogygia Purple Spotted Flitter 15 Hyarotis microstictum/ Hyarotis coorga Brush Flitter Sahyadri Long-branded Bushbrown Palni Sailer Nilgiri Plain Ace Kodagu Brush Flitter Text: Pavendhan A PATTAMPOOCHI A TNBS MAGAZINE WINGS 2 VEINS 1 37