TN Butterflies Facebook 2017– An Analysis
From Oct 2nd 2014-2016
Between the period, 2nd Oct 2014 and Dec 2016, we saw the TamilNadu Butterflies
(https://www.facebook.com/groups/373700319460990/) grow and establish as one
of the top group in show causing the butterfly related information with respect to
Tamil Nadu landscape. The years saw increase in contribution from year to year
basis too. In 2015, there were 3211 posts with 271 representative species and in
2016, there were 3580 posts with 277 representative species . No of districts repre-
sented were 26 and 29 respectively for 2015 and 2016 respectively. The top contrib-
uting districts for these period are Coimbatore, Theni, Virudhunagar, Nilgiris, Chen-
nai ,Madurai, Tirunelveli, Erode and Trichy.
They year 2017 saw
a total of 4147 posts
from Jan 1 to Dec
27th. Comparing this
number with 2015
and 2016 numbers
at 3211 and 3965
(revised from last
year postings), the
current year number
proves that the
steady growth of the
online forum and
increased popularity
The first 4 months were poor. The reason for the first four months poor show was due to failed monsoon on the previous
year and the species struggled to find their way in. This only improved after a good rain show in April. The month of October
saw a record number of 593 posts. On an overall basis, 196 members have made their contribution by way of posts and 335
members were associated with comments and 944 members were associated with appreciation. Happy to see more than
50% of the total members were active with our forum and we expect this to go up. We also urge and request members to
post their observation more freely which all add up to the knowledge of us on understanding the butterflies.