Short Notes on Interesting Sightings
Tree Flitter makes appearance in Kanchipuram District
Vikas Madhav Nagarajan
[email protected]
On the morning of 16 th November 2017 , Rama
Neelamegam and I had been to Karikili bird sanctuary in
Kanchipuram county. We were on the western part of the
bird sanctuary looking at Tawny bellied babblers. Suddenly
we spotted a brown coloured skipper sitting on a plant.
There was palm around the place it sat. There also was
shady and had lots of thickets. The palm did look like a spe-
cies of the Calamus genus. I went to photograph it. Unfor-
tunately the camera wasn’t focusing well , hence I ob-
tained blurry images. While approaching closer , it got dis-
turbed. It was later identified to be a Tree Flitter. The Tree
Flitter is thought to a species normally associated with
dense forests in the western Ghats. Its host plant is Cala-
mus species . This plant was seen in good numbers in the
bird sanctuary. This finding changes the way we look at
distribution and again shows that Chennai and northern
Tamilnadu is a place full of surprises waiting to be found.
A Pavendhan
Aberration, by word, is defined as a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically an unwelcome one. In Butter-
flies, aberration is a butterfly with abnormal appearance. The causes for them are usually extreme climatic changes, genetic
mutation or pathogens . The two specimens provided here are aberration form of a Common Silverline and Forget-me-not and
in both the cases, it is observed from places where they were abundant (increasing the probability of finding one with aberra-