Patriot Prose 2022 - Updated | Page 27

( At royalty alley ) “ hello I ’ m the guard of royalty alley and why may you be going pass this gate ” the guard asked “ we are trying to get to fairy tale forest village ” little red said “ oh then go right ahead ” the guard said while opening the gate . ( 5 minutes later ) “ we are here at fairy tale forest ” Goldilocks said “ yay we are almost there ” little red said . “ Where is fairy tale forest village ” little red asked “ right there se the sign ” Goldilocks said pointing at the sign . Little red and Goldilocks ran to the sign . ( after running to the sign ) “ let ’ s find your grandmas house ” said Goldilocks . “ Oh sorry to interrupt your chat kids I just wondering were your grandma house Is and I ’ m going visit her because I ’ m her friend ” the wolf in disguise asked “ oh she lives next to hood ’ s family bakery ” little red answered “ oh thank you and the reason I asked you where your grandma house was because she has so many photos of you so I assume you where her granddaughter ” the wolf in disguise said . ( 5 minutes later at little red grandma ’ s house ) little red knocked on her grandma ’ s door and a voice that sounded like the wolf in disguise . “ I asked for my grandma not some suspicious person ” little red yelled “ oh I am your grandma but this is how I sound when I ’ m sick ” the wolf said . Little red though whoever was behind the door was not her grandma so little red kicked down the door and saw a wolf . “ your not my grandma you ’ re a wolf . The wolf that Goldilocks was talking about and Goldilocks hand me your phone ” little red said and yelled “ ok here ’ s my phone ” Goldilocks said while giving little red her phone . ( After calling animal control ) “ hello where is the wolf you are talking about ” the animal control ranger asked “ right behind me ” little red said . The animal control ranger took the wolf away . “ now let ’ s go give the basket of food to my grandma then we will go to the bakery ” said little red . Little red and Goldilocks gave the food to grandma then she asked them a very important question