Patriot Prose 2022 - Updated | Page 26

Rachael Nash — Grade 6

Rachael Nash — Grade 6


“ Mom can I go to Cinderella castle ” Little Red asked . The mom started to cry . ” is there something wrong with Cinderella ’ s family ” little red asked in shock “ No nothing wrong with Cinderella family it ’ s your grandma ” little red mom sadly said “ what is wrong about grandma ” little red asked in shock . “ your grandma is sick so you have to bring this basket of food to your grandma and you have to help your grandpa in the bakery today ” little red mom said wiping her tears “ can I bring a friend along so I don ’ t get lost ” little red asked “ sure ” little red mom answered . “ I need to asked Goldilocks because she knows the woods better than anyone in the forest ” little red thought . Little red grabbed everything she needed to bring on her adventure .
( 5 minutes later at Goldilocks house ) little red knocked on the door very loudly . “ Hello little red riding hood how may I help you ” Goldilocks excitedly said “ wanna help me at my grandmas house and at there bakery ” little red asked Goldilocks “ is your grandmas house and the bakery in the village near the woods ” Goldilocks asked “ yes why do you ask ” little red wondered “ there ’ s a wolf who pretends to be other people to trick others and the wolf eats gingerbread cookies / gingerbread people so that ’ s why not many gingerbread people live in the village near the woods and the wolf blows peoples houses down ” Goldilocks stated . “ Can you help me please I don ’ t know the woods as good as you ” little red said and asked “ sure let ’ s go but first let me get the map that shows the way to your grandma house and there bakery ” Goldilocks said . Goldilocks grabbed the map and came back outside . “ so look at the map it says to go pass royalty alley than go thru the fairy tale forest then you will be in fairy tale forest village ” Goldilocks said . “ where is royalty alley ” little red asked “ I ’ ll show you ” Goldilocks said .