Patriot Prose 2022 - Updated | Page 25

Samantha Bezdelovs — Grade 7


Samantha Bezdelovs — Grade 7

I go to sleep that night as usual , my brother isn ’ t home which is also normal , everything is just normal . I wake up at around 2:30 a . m to someone shaking me awake ; it was my brother . He has stitches and scratches all over his face he was in a sling and he just had the look of pain on his face . I was so scared of him because the way he looked . I just there staring at him for what felt like forever but in reality it was just a couple of seconds . He asked to use my phone to text his girlfriend to tell her he was alright . I asked what happened he told me “ Don ’ t worry , I ’ ll tell you in the morning for now go to sleep .” I did not sleep that night I lay awake wondering what happened until he came in my room the next morning . I shot out of bed awaiting the story of what happened and my heart dropped when he told me : “ I was in a car accident , Daren and I where driving around 120 mph and we hit an icy spot and went head first into a snow bank . I lost my phone in the accident and I needed to text Jazzy . Thank god for seat belts .” All I could think well he looks pretty bad but it couldn ’ t be that bad right ? Wrong . He has bruised ribs and his shoulder dislocated . He also was not allowed to call my mom because there was a warrant for his arrest . Luckily the cop was a good man and let my brother use his phone to call my parents . I later learned that he could have been put in jail if it weren ’ t for his injuries , and he ’ s very lucky he survived that night . My brother has recovered and now he always yells at me when I forget my seatbelt .