Patriot Prose 2022 - Updated | Page 24

Mariah Lemere — Grade 7
Middle school can be an arduous experience for countless girls We are all concerned with the makeup on our faces , the frizz in our hair . What clothes we are dressed in , and how we compare How do we measure up ? It feels so unfair Self love takes grit , especially today With impossible demands in the way Hours drained poking and prodding at our skin Everyone yearning to fit in Here is my ambition , it comes from within Because some day we will be gray , reflecting youth We will only then realize the truth Our self worth should not be disregarded to fit in with the group Enjoy the now , mirrors are inaccurate depictions of our essence And you are so much more perfect than you believe


Mariah Lemere — Grade 7

Middle school can be an arduous experience for countless girls We are all concerned with the makeup on our faces , the frizz in our hair . What clothes we are dressed in , and how we compare How do we measure up ? It feels so unfair Self love takes grit , especially today With impossible demands in the way Hours drained poking and prodding at our skin Everyone yearning to fit in Here is my ambition , it comes from within Because some day we will be gray , reflecting youth We will only then realize the truth Our self worth should not be disregarded to fit in with the group Enjoy the now , mirrors are inaccurate depictions of our essence And you are so much more perfect than you believe