Patriot Prose 2022 - Updated | Page 28

Ms . Chadbourne — 8th Grade English teacher


Ms . Chadbourne — 8th Grade English teacher

“ Mommy !”
Abigail slid her butter yellow sundress over her head and stood in front of the fulllength mirror in her bedroom . She smoothed the fabric with her hands and surveyed her appearance . Her auburn hair was disheveled , rogue strands sticking out of the pleats of her braid . She leaned closer and gently pressed her fingertips to her plump cheeks . Too pale . She leaned her head to one side and inspected a small blemish that silently promised to become a ripe zit on the side of her nose . She sighed in exasperation . She moved her fingers to gently swipe at the dark circles that seemed permanently tattooed under her eyes , the lines that extended from the corners of her eyes towards her hairline growing seemingly longer each day .
“ Moooooommy !”
Abigail stepped backwards once again to continue her dissection . She pinched the fabric of the dress near her midsection and scowled as the cotton snapped back to her body , no longer flowing gently across her hips but now hugging her sides just a little too tightly . She fought back tears as she fought the urge to rip the dress off and get back into her sweatpants .
“ MOMMY !!!!”
A deafening sound interrupted her bodily interrogation as her six-year-old daughter , Anna , barged into the bedroom . Abigail ’ s instinct was to attempt to cover up her flaws before her young , impressionable daughter could see them . But Anna was too quick , almost levitating off the floor she was moving so quickly .