Patriot Prose 2022 - Updated | Page 17

Olivia Nuccio — Grade 8 — CWP Submission


Olivia Nuccio — Grade 8 — CWP Submission

Justice . What does justice mean . To me , it means being able to pay for groceries without a problem . It means having a chance to get that tutor for school . It means being able to get free Medicare when you cant afford to pay for a doctor . It means having the same chance to get a job as that white guy over there . It means the rays of sunshine will shine brightest on the seeds than the long pieces of grass . It means the wind will blow hardest on the lonely sailboat stuck in the middle of the ocean . It means being able to buy those tickets to watch that baseball game with your kids . It means everybody , no matter who you are , will all be loved . It means when you have a couple minutes before you have to get to work , you will help the elderly lady cross the street than get a coffee ( that you get everyday ). It means you will take the time to bring up to the town council that there should be wheelchair access in the mall . Not many people know what justice really means . Justice doesn ’ t mean equal treatment for everybody . Justice means giving extra help to the one that need it most .