Patriot Prose 2022 - Updated | Page 18

Brinlee Hutchings — Grade 6


Brinlee Hutchings — Grade 6

I quickly pull in my thumb and jump back to the greenish-yellowish grass as a car comes inches to my body . My heel smashes against something hard and rough and I can feel my socks start to get wet and warm , a little chill crosses my body when the slight wind of the passing cars brushes against my revealed skin . Warm red blood is seeking through my white socks . I tumble back and hit my head and darkness takes over .
“ WHAT WHERE AM- “ I start to say then fall back down to my bed .
My eyes start to flutter open and I ’ m about to talk but a hand covers my mouth and stuffs what feels like a cloth in . I look up and see a man that looks awfully familiar , yet I can ’ t fully see him since he has a hat and mask on . A dog walks around the corner and it reminds me of one that I ’ ve seen and loved before . The dog walks right over to me and licks me all over the face .
“ Stop it !” A very deep , husky , rough voice shouts .
The dog goes away and the man tells me to go back to bed it ’ s the middle of the night . This makes my heart pound and my palms clench , why ? Because when I started to wake he was standing right over me staring into my brown eyes with his green eyes . I notice that my hands and legs aren ’ t tied . Ha ! Rookie mistake ! I wait , and wait , and wait just to hear the man start to snore , weird that snore with the struggling breathes every 5 seconds seems awfully familiar to . I get up and I walk around the corner to the kitchen , somehow I knew where it was . I stop dead in my tracks .
The dog is standing up right there . I put my finger to my lips and my other hands did an up motion to tell the dog to sit . Somehow he also knew those commands . I find the door in the dark and open it up . I sneak out and run once I close the door . I run and run and run . I run to the street right by it and cross quickly before an eighteen wheeler comes . I run down that sidewalk and see a highway .