Patriot Prose 2022 - Updated | Page 16

4 months later …
It ’ s been 4 months since I killed Chris , no one has found the body yet and Maggie hasn ’ t figured it out either . Maggie has been acting strange recently , she says she ’ s fine but I know my best friend and she ’ s definitely not fine . I ’ ll tell her to meet me in the school yard after school and hopefully she will tell me what ’ s going on .
“ Hey Maggie ! Can you meet me in the school yard after school ? It ’ s really important .” Maggie looked very weirded out and slightly angry , hopefully she ’ ll come .
“ Uh , yeah sure I guess .” She had such a disgusted look and tone , what the heck is going on with her .
I finish my last class of the day and walk out to the school yard waiting for Maggie to show up . About 30 minutes pass and she finally shows up , it ’ s dark outside and she seems very off . She ’ s holding something , it was long and sharp . It shines in the moonlit yard , is it a knife ? An alarm goes off in my head telling me to back up or run but I couldn ’ t . I was stuck staring at her psychotic face as she walked towards me .
“ Hey Maggie , what ’ s been going on with you recently ? You ’ ve been super off and avoiding me . Did I do something wrong ?” I kept backing up while she started to speed walk towards me .
“ I saw it all happen Roxy , you killed him right in front of me . I ’ m traumatized because of you ! I ’ ve hated you this whole time , I want you dead and I finally have a good excuse to do it !” She started sprinting towards me while waving the knife around in the air . I started running as fast as I could into the woods hoping that she ’ d loose me in the dark . I could hear her screaming my name closely behind me . I ’ ve been running for about 10 minutes , it ’ s pitch black out and all I can feel is my chest burning along with the rest of my body from all the branches that have pierced my skin .
“ I can see a clearing ! Almost there !” I yell to myself in relief thinking I had lost Maggie but I suddenly feel someone tug on me from behind and throw me to the ground .
“ Found you . You didn ’ t think you could loose me that easily , did you ?” Maggie starts laughing like a maniac and starts to stab my chest multiple times . I could feel every ounce of life slipping away from me , I tried fighting back but there was no hope . I started coughing up blood everywhere , all I could see out of my blurry vision was her smiling and being covered in blood .
“ Bye bye Roxy .” She started laughing even louder and crazier , all I could feel was the sharp knife hitting my bare skin continuously until I couldn ’ t feel anything at all . I had gone numb and cold , was this really how it was going to end ? Getting killed by someone I considered a best friend , even family . I let my body stop fighting and the life just slipped out of me . I closed my heavy eyes and my whole life flashed before my eyes , most of it being with Maggie . The last thing I see is Maggie carrying me over to where I had buried Chris . I was then put into a pre-dug whole and I took my final breath .