Patriot Prose 2022 - Updated | Page 15

Maggie : Hey girly ! Are you almost here ?
Shoot ! I forgot that I was supposed to hang out with Maggie today .
Roxy : Hey … I ’ m so sorry but I forgot to tell you that Chris asked me out on a date , can we reschedule ?
Maggie : Yeah , that ’ s fine . Have fun .
I hope she ’ s ok . I didn ’ t mean to blow her off but she would understand , right ? Ugh , whatever it ’ s fine I have to hurry up . I suddenly hear a knock at my door , it ’ s Chris ! I ran downstairs and open the door slowly , he was standing there with flowers . How sweet , I let out a slight smile and opened the door all the way .
“ Hey beautiful .” He says while handing me flowers , I couldn ’ t help but notice that he seemed out of breath and very tense . It ’ s probably nothing , I just need to have fun .
“ Hey ! Thank you for the flowers , they ’ re beautiful and smell amazing .” I say while grabbing his hand and walking to the car . It ’ s very quite but peaceful , I liked it . We started driving and we arrived at a , forest ? Strange . We got out and Chris started leaning on the trunk of his car , I could hear faint muffles like someone was in there . I tried to shake it off but he opened the trunk and Maggie was in there ! I started to panic , why was she in there ?! What kind of sick joke is this !
“ I did this for you Roxy .” Chris then grabbed an axe and handed it to me . I was lost for words , I didn ’ t know what to say . Before I could even open my mouth I saw Chris going to grab Maggie , I found myself then hitting him on the head with an axe . I couldn ’ t stop hitting him , I did it over and over until I realized he was dead . My white dress was drenched with blood and the flower pin I had in my hair had blood splatter all over it , I had to find something to change into or I might get caught . I had a change of clothes in my bag that I ’ d brought and changed quickly while putting my bloody clothes with Chris ’ s body so I could burry it later on . Maggie was passed out , I hope she didn ’ t see what I did . I need to get Maggie out of here fast , before she see ’ s Chris .