Patriot Prose 2022 - Updated | Page 14

Present time ..
“ Roxy ! Stop staring at Chris and pay attention !” Ms . Person said while hitting my desk . Maggie started laughing at me , she ’ s my best friend .
“ Sorry sorry ! Uhm … what page are we on ?” I say turning a bright shade of red .
“ Page 394 , please pay attention .” She said as she walked away and kept reading .
English is so boring though , it ’ s hard to pay attention . Especially when Chris is in my class , I ’ ve liked him since freshman year . He barely even remembers my name , Maggie thinks he likes me but I doubt it .
* ring ring ring *
Finally , class is over . The day is over and I can go home , can ’ t wait . I suddenly feel a slight tug on my bag . I turn around and it was , Chris ? What did he want ?
“ Hey Roxy ! I have a question .” He nervously laughed , he was a bright shade of pink at this point .
“ Uh , hey Chris ? Yeah what ’ s up ?” I said while playing with my hands , I always get so nervous around him .
“ Would you maybe , want to go on a date ?” You could tell that he was really nervous , I can ’ t believe he asked me out !
“ Really ? Of course ! What time ?” I exclaimed trying to hide my excitement .
“ I ’ ll pick you up at 5:30 , be ready .” He winked at me then walked away . I couldn ’ t contain myself anymore , I ran home and threw my bedroom door open while throwing my bag down . I started rummaging through my drawers desperately trying to find something to wear that will impress Chris . After about 30 minutes of trying to find something to wear I find the perfect thing , a beautiful flowery white dress with a cute flower clip for my hair . It was probably 5 now so I had to finish getting ready quickly .