Patriot Prose 2022 - Updated | Page 13

Faith Bakowski — Grade 8 — CWP Submission


Faith Bakowski — Grade 8 — CWP Submission

1 year before .. “ Soo , how are you and Chris ?” I said while nudging Maggie laughing .
“ Omg shut up bro , you ask me this every day . We ’ re doing fine !” Maggie said pushing me back and laughing with me . Maggie and Chris started dating 3 months ago , I liked Chris but I wanted Maggie to be happy so I backed off and let my best friend have the guy of her dreams .
2 weeks later ..
Maggie hasn ’ t talked to me in 2 weeks . I don ’ t know whats happening and I don ’ t know if I ’ ve done something , I tried texting her but no response . I see her sitting alone at lunch , I need to figure out whats happening .
“ Hey Mags , are you ok ? You ’ ve been ignoring me for 2 weeks , did something happen ?” I asked while setting my things next to her and sitting down .
“ Uh , yea sorry about that . Me and Chris broke up so I just haven ’ t been in the talkative mood recently ya know ?” She wouldn ’ t look me in the eye , she was playing with her hands and breathing heavily .
“ Aw I ’ m so sorry Maggie ! I know how much you liked him , don ’ t worry about him you ’ re so amazing and if he cant see that then that ’ s his loss . You ’ re amazing , I love you .” I hugged her hoping she ’ d hug me back but she never did , she got up and left . I mean I don ’ t blame her , she did just go through a breakup so I understand if she doesn ’ t want to talk . I hope she didn ’ t find out about my crush on Chris , she knows I used to like him but I told her I didn ’ t like him anymore for her and our friendships sake . I couldn ’ t loose Maggie over some guy who doesn ’ t even know I exist .