Patient Education Hemorrhagic Stroke: Understanding and Recovering | Page 23

Rehab Nurse
Recreational Therapist
Social Worker
Symptoms of Depression
Getting the Treatment You Need

Rehab Nurse

If you are transferred to an inpatient rehab unit , you may also see a rehab nurse . The rehab nurse focuses on your physical needs and care . He or she also works with other team members to coordinate your rehab program .

Recreational Therapist

The recreational therapist uses recreation and leisure to help you make life more enjoyable as you recover .

Social Worker

The social worker works with you and your support system on planning for discharge and making any needed arrangements .


The neuropsychologist assesses behavior and thinking ability and offers guidance to the team in making treatment goals . He or she may also provide general counseling to assist with your adjustment during rehab .


Depression is a very common , treatable medical illness that involves the body , mood , and thoughts .
Depression is caused in part by changes in brain chemicals such as serotonin and norepinephrine . Depression can be triggered by a major health change , and is common after a stroke . When the brain is injured , there can be changes to emotions . In addition , adjusting to changes after a stroke can cause stress and sadness . Untreated depression can make it hard to cope and can interfere with recovery .

Symptoms of Depression

Symptoms vary , but people with depression experience some of these symptoms most of the time for at least 2 weeks :
� Feeling sad , blue , or down
� Losing interest in activities normally enjoyed
� Feeling slowed down or restless � Difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much � Feeling tired all the time or lacking energy � Increases or decreases in appetite or weight � Difficulty concentrating or remembering
� Feeling hopeless , guilty , worthless , or helpless
� Having thoughts of death or suicide
� Headaches , digestive problems , or chronic pain that does not respond to treatment

Getting the Treatment You Need

Treating depression is important . Depression affects thoughts , feelings , physical health , and behavior . If you have other illnesses along with depression , these can be more difficult to manage and recovery can be slowed if depression is not treated . Since recovering from a stroke can be lengthy and challenging , it is especially important to seek treatment if depression occurs .
The first step to getting treatment is to discuss your symptoms with your doctor . Your doctor can make an evaluation and help you find effective treatment . Treatment options include antidepressant medication , counseling , or both .