Patient Education Hemorrhagic Stroke: Understanding and Recovering | Page 24

Family and Friends Can Help
Rehabilitation Options Include :
You can help manage your symptoms as treatment begins to take effect by :
� Being with other people and talking with someone . Reach out to a family member , friend , or co-worker .
� Increasing activity or exercise . This can also help relieve stress .
� Expecting your mood to improve gradually , not right away . Feeling better takes time .
� Letting your family and friends help you .

Family and Friends Can Help

Many people with depression do not have the motivation or energy to seek treatment . Depression may cause confusion and withdrawal . Helping someone with depression get treatment is important .
� Offer to go to the doctor with the person to ask questions and note instructions .
� Invite the person for walks , on outings , to the movies , and to other activities , but do not be discouraged if your invitation is refused . Continue asking , but do not push .
� Provide emotional support through conversations and careful listening . Do not minimize expressed feelings , but do point out realities and offer hope .
� Offer reassurance that with time and help he or she will feel better .
� Don ’ t ignore suicidal thoughts , words , or actions . Seek professional help right away at a hospital emergency department .
� Remember , depression is a treatable illness . It can be treated in addition to other illnesses a person has . If you think you or your loved one may have depression , talk to your doctor today .

Planning Your Discharge

You will have multiple discharge options once you are ready to leave the hospital . Choosing the best option will depend on factors such as how severe your stroke was , how well you are able to do your normal activities , and your living arrangement prior to your stroke .
Many people need rehabilitation ( rehab ) after a stroke . Rehab programs help stroke survivors gain strength and relearn skills that are lost when the brain was injured . The goal of rehab is to help survivors become as independent as possible and to improve their quality of life .
The length and type of rehab required will depend on individual needs and goals . More than one rehab setting may be necessary . Insurance coverage will vary and may be a factor in your decision . Your healthcare team will offer guidance and work with you to decide the best treatment plan .

Rehabilitation Options Include :

Inpatient Therapy
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Located in a hospital or a stand-alone facility
Nursing care is provided
Daily visits by a doctor specializing in physical medicine and rehab
3 or more hours per day of core therapies ( physical , occupational and / or speech therapy ), 5 days per week
Length of stay is usually shorter than a skilled nursing facility