Patient Education Hemorrhagic Stroke: Understanding and Recovering | Page 22

Physical Therapy
Speech Therapy
Stroke Coordinator

Physical Therapy

A physical therapist will help you to improve movement and increase independence in positioning yourself in bed , wheelchair mobility , transfers , walking , and exercise . The physical therapist will see how you are able to move about in bed and in your room and do certain exercises . In order to help you regain motor skills such as moving about , walking , and using stairs , the physical therapist will be :
� Helping you practice basic tasks and progressing to more complex tasks
� Using exercises to increase muscle strength and coordination
� Having you do activities to help with positioning and balance
� Helping you get needed equipment such as a cane , walker , or wheelchair

Speech Therapy

A speech therapist ( speech-language pathologist ) will help in the recovery of speech and language or thinking ( cognitive ) skills that may have been lost as a result of a stroke . They will work with you to improve any problems you may have with swallowing , speaking , listening , reading , or cognitive skills .
A speech therapist begins by checking your speaking and thinking skills . The speech therapist designs a treatment program using the findings . Family members are also taught how to help in the recovery process .
Areas that speech therapists address include :
� Language — Understanding and using spoken and written language . The four parts of language are :
• Listening and understanding
• Speaking
• Reading
• Writing
� Oral-Motor Skills — Strength and control of muscles used for speaking and eating .
� Voice — Maintaining normal pitch , volume , breath control , and vocal quality for speaking .
� Swallowing — Controlling lip and tongue movements for swallowing . Diet changes for a safer swallow may be needed .
� Cognition — Thinking skills , including attention , memory , problem solving , and reasoning . These skills are needed in order to live independently .

Rehabilitation Team Members

There are many members of the healthcare team who will be working with you during your recovery . They will provide care , evaluate your progress , and communicate with each other and with you and your family .
In addition to the physical therapists , speech therapists , and occupational therapists described above , your healthcare team will include a team of specially trained doctors , nurses , and other clinicians who will work with you to meet your healthcare needs . These may include respiratory therapists , dietitians , discharge planners , and nurse case managers . The following team members will also play a big role in your recovery :

Stroke Coordinator

The stroke coordinator is a nurse who can provide information to help you understand what causes a stroke and help you reduce your risk factors . He or she can answer your questions about medications , the recovery process , and tests and treatments . The stroke coordinator meets with your doctor on your behalf , asks questions for you , and voices your concerns . They can explain your discharge instructions and help you choose the correct level of care and type of rehab you need .