Patient Education Heart Surgery | Página 36

Walking Program You will begin your walking program the day after your surgery. Walking is an aerobic exercise that involves exercising the heart and lungs. It is a great way to begin your recovery. A regular aerobic exercise program will give you a lifetime of benefits. It may decrease your risk factors and help prevent the progression of heart disease. It will also improve your overall health and emotional outlook. After the first week, you may use a stationary bike or treadmill. The stationary bike should have little or no resistance so it will be easy to pedal. A treadmill should be level, without incline, or the “grade” should equal zero. Start at a very slow speed. Your doctor should approve any other form of exercise. Here are some guidelines to follow with your walking program: • Always let someone know when you are exercising, or exercise with a friend. • Do your walking program when you feel your best. • Walk on a flat surface at first. This is easier for your heart. Walking uphill takes more effort and energy. • Take your pulse with each activity. Check your pulse before, at the halfway point, and 1 minute after you are done walking. • Complete warm-up exercises before each walking session and cool-down exercises after each session. These exercises are on pages 36-37. The warm-up will slowly increase your heart rate. The cool-down will allow your heart rate and blood pressure to slowly return to their resting rates. • Avoid extreme temperatures. Do not walk outside if it is less than 40°F or more than 80°F. Try walking in the mall if temperatures are too extreme outside. Pace yourself. 35