Pathways to Successful Reentry GDC Journal_Apr2023 | Page 4


Metro Reentry Facility ( RF ) currently houses 22 mentors . These mentors share their knowledge and life experiences to help other inmates with enrichment programs to assist them with reentry back into society .
With the help and supervision of the counseling staff at Metro RF , mentors complete classes and training to help them support the other returning citizens within the facility . Their goal is to support and inspire other offenders to develop the attitudes and skills needed to be successful .
“ To be a mentor here , you can ’ t do it for the looks ; you can ’ t do it for the title ; you have to do it from a genuine place of wanting better for help others .” Deputy Warden Frasier
The mentors ’ role is crucial to the success of the reentry atmosphere as they can guide the young men through personal experiences and lifelong knowledge .
“ To be a mentor here , you can ’ t do it for the looks ; you can ’ t do it for the title ; you have to do it from a genuine place of wanting better for others .”
Yolande Fraser Deputy Warden of Care and Treatment , Metro Reentry Facility