Pathways to Successful Reentry GDC Journal_Apr2023 | Page 13


On March 13 , Tattnall County Sheriff ’ s Office made a traffic stop on a vehicle , driven by civilian Destiny Shepard , parked in front of the nursery on Rogers State Prison ( SP ) Farm . At the same time , a GDC K9 Officer established a track of another civilian , Jamal Benjamin , in a wooded area on nearby GDC property and discovered contraband on the trail . Both civilians were taken into custody and transported by Tattnall County Sheriff ’ s Office .
On April 8 at Telfair State Prison , Officer Chantell Sheffield attempted to enter the facility with sheets of paper covered with a dried substance inside of a folder in her work bag . Officer Sheffield consented to be searched and a search of her vehicle was conducted with no additional contraband found . Sheffield was arrested and transported to the Telfair County Jail .
On April 5 , a traffic stop was conducted near Washington State Prison by the Washington County Sheriff ’ s Office . The occupants of the vehicle were civilians Eric Turner and Dexter Williams . A search of the vehicle was conducted , and large bundles of contraband wrapped in duct tape were recovered . During the stop , they admitted that civilian Ququeice Spivey was in the wood line with additional contraband . Spivey was apprehended at the wood line with an additional package of contraband in her possession . All three civilians were arrested and transported to Washington County Jail .
April 2023 | GDC Journal 13