PORTUGAL 22nd - 29th April
22nd-29th April
Učenice drugog razreda Danijela Pervan i Petra Musulin putovale su u Portugal od 22. do 29. travnja s profesoricama Brankom Vladimir i Josipom Antunović u sklopu projekta „Can you tell me the way to…?“. Boravile su u gradiću Olhao u pokrajini Algarve, gdje su zajedno s kolegama iz osam europskih zemalja pješačile tradicionalnim stazama, upoznavale prirodna i povijesna bogatstva tog primorskog kraja te uživale u suncu i morskim plodovima. Također su pod vodstvom portugalskih kolega posjetile glavni grad Lisabon obilazeći njegove najpoznatije znamenitosti.
Danijela Pervan i Petra Musulin, second grade students, went to Portugal from 22nd to 29th April with their teachers Branka Vladimir and Josipa Antunović as a part of project 'Can you tell me the way to…?'. They stayed in a small city Olhao, province of Algarve, where they, along with their colleagues from eight European countries, walked the traditional paths. They were introduced to natural and historical riches of that marine town and they enjoyed the sun and sea food.