First day / Prvi dan
Our journey started on Friday night. We travelled by bus to Zagreb where we arrived on Saturday morning. We travelled by plane from Zagreb to Vienna. We were waiting about three hours there and then went to Faro. Teachers and our host families, who transfered us to Olhao, were waiting for us at Faro airport.
Naše je putovanje počelo u petak uvečer. Putovali smo autobusom do Zagreba gdje smo stigli u subotu ujutro. Iz Zagreba smo putovali avionom do Beča. U Beču smo čekali otprilike tri sata i zatim krenuli za Faro. Profesorice i naši domaćini, koji su nas odveli u Olhao, čekali su nas u zračnoj luci Faro.
Second day / Drugi dan
After breakfast we walked to the pier. We took a boat and went to Culatra where we were walking 6 kilometres. Then we had picnic lunch. After lunch we visited the lighthouse.
Nakon doručka otišli smo pješice do pristaništa. Ukrcali smo se na brod i otišli do Culatre gdje smo hodali 6 km. Zatim smo objedovali. Nakon ručka posjetili smo svjetionik.