Whole team participated in our task of building an educative board game. We started with brain-storiming at one of our weekly meetings. The main idea was to put our local elements and motives together to build a game which will be fun and interesting for our friends in this project from other countries. We painted board with overview for our area, similar to map. We chose three beaten tracks and marked them with five points each, beginning in our largest town Metković, connecting the tracks in town known for tangerines, Opuzen. The game then follows the flow of the Neretva and finishes at the estuary. As for the pawns, the main idea was to choose motives characteristic of our home, such as coot, frog and out typical boat- lađa. The specificity of the game is that although it's a board game, it doesn't contain dice, do it doesn't depend on luck; it contains question cards about the Valley, so success depends on knowledge as the player moves forward. The game was shown to our partners in Portugal, where they could take part and win some Croatian sweets. We hope that all of you will enjoy our game and that it will bring you closer to the spirit of our humble, but naturally beautiful home.
Na zadani zadatak izrade edukativne igre uključio se cijeli tim. Na jednom od naših tjednih sastanaka započeli smo iznoseći ideje, tzv. brain storming. Temeljna ideja bila je uklopiti naše lokalne motive i elemente u igru koja će biti pristupačna i zanimljiva našim stranim vršnjacima. Oslikali smo ploču predloškom zračnog pregleda našeg kraja, nečeg sličnog karti. Odabrali smo tri vidljiva puta i označili svaki peterima poljima počevši u našem najvećem gradu Metkoviću. Putevi su se spojili u gradu poznatom po mandarinama, Opuzenu, te završili prateći tok Neretve na ušću. Figurice su također bile nošene idejom probranih karakterističnim motivima Doline; liska, žaba, lađa. Igra je specifična jer ,iako je board game, ne uključuje kocku te time sreću, već kartice s pitanjima o Dolini. Točnim odgovorima igrač se pomiče naprijed. Praktičnu primjenu igre reprezentirali smo našim partnerima u Portugalu kada su se i sami mogli okušati i osvojiti hrvatske slatkiše. Nadamo se da ce vam se svima svidjeti naša igra i približiti vam duh našeg skromnog, ali prirodno lijepog doma.