Parliamentary Forum for Democracy News June, 2013 | Page 10

An economic development where not only the “ haves ” are growing in
wealth , but in which every worker and also pensioner has rights and dignity . Private property should be safe and a contract should be honored . A contract should not be just paper that you have to pay for but actually mean that you have got rights and responsibilities . Corruption is an evil that is threatening all that is honorable . You have to pay but there is no security about your rights . The court is the place where those rights if threatened should be protected . So Judges and Lawyers and the Clerks have to be free of corruption . Are you still facing the question what to do with the judges of the former system . Are they all contaminated ? Do you have to replace them all ?
What is your justice system during this transition ? Are there lessons to be learned from Iraq and Afghanistan ? Who will be the new judges ? How to guarantee that they will not be corrupt ?
Aother right that should be considered and dealt with at the court is when there is a conflict between the freedom of speech and the right not to be harmfully offended or attacked . A good justice system is vital to safeguard those rights . But a good justice system will have an impact on your budget . Are you willing to pay for a proper justice system that is the question all democracies are facing today .
5 - police / law and order The first question is what is considered to be the task of the police and who do they report to ? Is it to protect the citizens so they do feel the promised freedoms , or is it to protect the state or those in power , eventually against the citizens . Because the police have been given the legitimate means to control , your answer to this question is vital . And of course you need an intelligence service to investigate whether criminals or potential terrorist want to commit crimes against the state and its citizens . But there should be a clear difference between a Secret Service and a National Bureau of Investigation that is accountable to the political powers and also to Parliament . We have in the Netherlands a committee with the nickname ” the committee sneaky ” consisting of party leaders MP ‟ who have taken a