Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 166

(840 responded; 101 skipped the question.) • • • • • • • Never – 79.76% Few times a year – 10.71% Once a month – 2.98% Once a week – 2.5% 2-5 days a week – 2.26% Twice a month – 1.31% Daily – 0.48% Question 6. “Please name the community center you frequent the most.” (149 responded; 792 skipped the question.) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Douglass – 23.49% (35) Sun Valley - 18.79% (28) Beechmont – 16.11% (24) Cyril Allgeier – 7.38% (11) Shelby Park – 7.38% (11) Baxter – 6.71% (10) Shawnee Arts & Cultural – 4.03% (6) California – 3.36% (5) Wilderness Road – 3.36% (5) Newburg – 2.01% (3) Southwick – 2.01% (3) Molly Leonard – 0.67% (1) Parkhill – 0.67% (1) Flaget – 0% (0) Question 7. “If you visited a Louisville Metro Parks and Recreation community center in the past 12 months, which of the following activities did you participate in?” (Check all that apply.) (158 responded to the question; 783 skipped the question.) • • • • • • • • Other – 37.34% (59) Social program – 25.32% (40) Exercise class – 20.89% (33) Educational program – 18.99% (30) Sports (leagues, open gym, etc.) – 14.56% (23) Arts program – 12.03% (19) Meals program – 7.59% (12) Public computer lab – 3.16% (5) Parks and Recreation System Master Plan | VI. RECREATION AND LEISURE TRENDS ANALYSIS 145