Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 167

Question 8. “How would you rate your overall experience at the facility?” (168 responded; 773 skipped the question) • • • • Good – 43.45% (73) Excellent – 33.93% (57) Adequate – 17.26% (29) Poor – 5.36% (9) Question 10 “In the past 12 months, how often have you visited Locust Grove or Riverside, the Farnsley-Moremen Landing historic homes?” (883 responded; 58 skipped the question) • • • • • • • Never – 61.72% (545) Few times per year – 33.98% (300) Once a month – 1.81% 16) Once a week – 1.02% (9) Twice a month – 0.91% (8) 2-5 days a week – 0.34% (3) Daily – 0.23% (2) Question 11. “How would you rate your overall experience at the historic homes?” (772 responded; 169 skipped the question) • • • • • N/A – 53.505 (413) Good – 21.89% (169) Excellent – 16.975 (131) Adequate – 6.74% (52) Poor – 0.915 (7) Question 12. “In the past 12 months, how often have you visited a Louisville Metro Parks and Recreation golf course?” (791 responded; 150 skipped the question) • • • 146 Never – 70.92% (561) Few times a year – 13.91% (110) 2-5 days a week – 4.805 (38) VI. RECREATION AND LEISURE TRENDS ANALYSIS | October 2016 Update