Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update (2016) parks_and_recreation_system_master_plan_update_oct | Page 144

Policy 1.5.2 The LMPRD will develop and distribute an informational package on the parks and open space system to the Chamber of Commerce and other representatives of the tourist industry. Goal 2: Natural Resources A network of open spaces and greenway corridors which protects significant natural resources. Objective 2.1 Identify, preserve, and restore riparian corridors, wetlands, woodlands, and important groundwater recharge areas to protect water quality. Policy 2.1.1 LMPRD will work with other agencies such as MSD and the U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to establish quantifiable riparian zones along streams, ponds, lakes, rivers, and wetlands in parks and along greenways to protect streambanks, wildlife habitat and minimize the impacts of flooding. Policy 2.1.2 The LMPRD will use the presence of riparian corridors, wetlands, and groundwater recharge areas as criteria in prioritizing land for acquisition as public open space. Policy 2.1.3 The LMPRD will coordinate with adjacent counties to plan for linkage of regional open spaces, greenways, trails and shared-use paths. Objective 2.2 Preserve and enhance significant habitat for wildlife and threatened, endangered, and special concern species. Policy 2.2.1 The LMPRD will coordinate with the Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission to identify significant occurrences of and habitat for threatened, endangered, and special concern species and to prepare appropriate management plans for the protection of that habitat. Policy 2.2.2 The LMPRD will prepare general biological surveys of Louisvilleā€™s parks and natural areas to identify priorities for habitat conservation. Policy 2.2.3 The LMPRD will use the presence of significant habitat for wildlife or rare, threatened, and endangered species as criteria in prioritizing land for acquisition as public open space. Parks and Recreation System Master Plan | V. THE PLAN 123